Body sculpting is the term we use these day when we want to modify our bodies to have a certain look. We all want to look fit and trim. That is a given. Body sculpting is a little more than just looking fit and trim. When we talk about body sculpting, or body contouring as some call it, we are talking about a specific goal. Body sculpting is about achieving a specific goal for our physical appearance. Typical goals are to loose weight in the abdominal area and thighs, or build bigger biceps and pectorals.

More than that, body sculpting is about achieving “the look”. For guys, it is a v shape from the torso on up and for gals, it is a hour glass figure. To achieve those goals, sometimes the entire body needs to be worked on, but for many, just one part of the body can get us to where we want to be with our bodies. Ironically, it is that last little step that always is the hardest.

Problem Areas

  • Neck
  • Abdomen
  • Thighs
  • Upper Arms
  • Waist

Generally speaking, when it comes to body sculpting, people either take the high road – disciplined diet and exercise – or the low road – plastic surgery. We want to suggest that a middle road – ultrasonic cavitation and radiofrequency skin tightening – can be a good choice for many people who want to take care of some of their problem area and look fit and trim.

The High Road

The high road is a rigorous and disciplined approach. Many of our body problems come form a diet with too many fat producing elements and not enough nutrition. Almost everything we eat today comes with bad fat and too much sugar. So the high road is a disciplined diet and a rigorous exercise program.

Taking the high road is always best. If you have what it takes to diet and exercise with disciple, the kind of discipline then you are all set. That is all you need to do. However, it is very difficult to keep up with the kind of commitment you need to use diet and exercise to stay fit and trim, let alone tackle problematic body areas.

The Low Road

Cosmetic surgery is the low road. The low road is the high risk road. Surgery is always the most risky choice. How may celebrities do you know who have gotten carried away or ended up with a horror lipo. When you see gigantic lips, frozen faces, and gruesome distortions in the facial proportions, you know that was to result of surgery gone bad. You rarely, if ever, hear of healthy diets gone bad or cavitation gone bad. Some people may say it didn’t work for them, but never that it ruined them. Google ‘cosmetic surgery horror stories’ and see what we mean.

Note: Some people choose these options because of medical reasons. We are not talking about them here. We are talking about people who could use make better decisions for their bodies and well being.

The Middle Road

The middle road uses modern technology to help you with the process of body sculpting. It is non-surgical and effective. (See References) It does not require strict discipline, but is aided with moderate and doable changes in your behavior. We are talking about radio frequency skin tightening, and ultrasonic cavitation. these two technologies are changing the way people body sculpt. They are a direct replacement for the surgical procedures that most people are familiar with: liposuction and cosmetic surgery.

Choosing the middle road is a good choice for most people. If you are like many of us, a strict diet and tough exercise program does not fit in with our lifestyle and responsibilities. And, getting cosmetic surgery is risky. With ultrasonic cavitation and radiofrequency, you can get great results. Throw in small modifications in your diet (you know what we mean) and you can have long lasting results.*

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*Results may vary from person to person. Results are not guaranteed.

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Body Sculpting: The Middle Road